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J-Lube Lubricant Powder (284 g)

$  35,67
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Why not stir up your own lube!? J-Lube is a dry powder that you mix with water. You can mix to the consistency you desire- even pre-mix it and store it for when you need it. Safe to use with latex, silicone, and all your toys. The preferred lube for fisting because of it's consistency, slipperiness, and easy clean up. J-Lube breaks-down naturally in the body, and a few grains of table salt breaks down J-Lube on surfaces.

How to use it?
This is the simplest way of doing things. Just shake some of the powder into your hands, run your hands under a stream of water, and there you have it... you are lubricated. A few things to keep in mind; for one, if you apply the powder directly to your skin before wetting it, it is significantly harder to wash off. It does, however, provide a very good lubrication barrier even under extremely wet conditions. It will even stay on skin for quite a while under a constant stream of water, such as a shower or even underwater in a bath.
To get the maximum benefit of J-Lube when doing it this way, you should take a little extra effort to make sure the powder is fully hydrated before you proceed. To achieve this, you can knead and rub your hands (or whatever body part has the powder on it) in the presence of a very light stream or spray of water. This alleviates the chunkiness that can happen with poorly dispersed powder, and the resulting lube will stick better, stay hydrated longer, and lubricate better. It doesn't take much in terms of water; in fact, less tends to be better because too much water will wash it away instead of hydrating it.

Volume: 284 g

Unit cost:
284 g - € 116.02 / kg
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