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Fröhle VP001 vagina pump set

$  82,99
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Fröhle Vagina Set Duo Extreme Professional gives you both the opportunity to intensify your sex life!

The use of the vagina pump stimulates blood flow in the genital area, which increases erotic sensations and increases sexual desire and the level of excitement. Furthermore, the vulva and clitoris are visibly enlarged due to increased blood circulation.

Use the vagina pump for up to 20 minutes and make sure it is always comfortable. If the genital suction cup does not fit or closes properly, remove it and apply it in a more comfortable position. In case of pain and / or numbness during use, stop the application immediately. Clean in warm water with intimate soap or with a special sex toy cleaner.

The set includes:
oval crystal clear intimate suction cup (including attachment sleeve)
   dimensions: 8.5 x 12 x 7.5 cm
flexible transparent suction cup (incl. attachment sleeve)
   diameter: 7 cm
   height: 6 cm
piston pump (incl. 30 cm connection tube and pressure regulator)

material: polycarbonate, PPR, PVC

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